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What's wrong with this code

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Technical User
May 10, 2002
i can't pass the information in Dreamweaver MX from one page to another, i want the insert record confirm page to display the user name and password the user just entered and i'm not been able to do that, this is what i have


<%@LANGUAGE=&quot;VBSCRIPT&quot; CODEPAGE=&quot;1252&quot;%>
<% Session(&quot;MM_UserName&quot;) = Request.Form(&quot;colect&quot;) %>
<!--#include file=&quot;Connections/teste.asp&quot; -->
' *** Edit Operations: declare variables

Dim MM_editAction
Dim MM_abortEdit
Dim MM_editQuery
Dim MM_editCmd

Dim MM_editConnection
Dim MM_editTable
Dim MM_editRedirectUrl
Dim MM_editColumn
Dim MM_recordId

Dim MM_fieldsStr
Dim MM_columnsStr
Dim MM_fields
Dim MM_columns
Dim MM_typeArray
Dim MM_formVal
Dim MM_delim
Dim MM_altVal
Dim MM_emptyVal
Dim MM_i

MM_editAction = CStr(Request.ServerVariables(&quot;SCRIPT_NAME&quot;))
If (Request.QueryString <> &quot;&quot;) Then
MM_editAction = MM_editAction & &quot;?&quot; & Request.QueryString
End If

' boolean to abort record edit
MM_abortEdit = false

' query string to execute
MM_editQuery = &quot;&quot;
' *** Insert Record: set variables

If (CStr(Request(&quot;MM_insert&quot;)) = &quot;form1&quot;) Then

MM_editConnection = MM_teste_STRING
MM_editTable = &quot;member&quot;
MM_editRedirectUrl = &quot;confirm.asp&quot;
MM_fieldsStr = &quot;Colect|value|password|value|morada|value|localidade|value|codpostal|value|horario|value|telefone|value|email|value|fax|value|freguesia|value|sigla|value&quot;
MM_columnsStr = &quot;Colect|',none,''|password|',none,''|morada|',none,''|localidade|',none,''|codpostal|',none,''|horario|',none,''|telefone|',none,''|email|',none,''|fax|',none,''|freguesia|',none,''|sigla|',none,''&quot;

' create the MM_fields and MM_columns arrays
MM_fields = Split(MM_fieldsStr, &quot;|&quot;)
MM_columns = Split(MM_columnsStr, &quot;|&quot;)

' set the form values
For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2
MM_fields(MM_i+1) = CStr(Request.Form(MM_fields(MM_i)))

' append the query string to the redirect URL
If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> &quot;&quot; And Request.QueryString <> &quot;&quot;) Then
If (InStr(1, MM_editRedirectUrl, &quot;?&quot;, vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString <> &quot;&quot;) Then
MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & &quot;?&quot; & Request.QueryString
MM_editRedirectUrl = MM_editRedirectUrl & &quot;&&quot; & Request.QueryString
End If
End If

End If
' *** Insert Record: construct a sql insert statement and execute it

Dim MM_tableValues
Dim MM_dbValues

If (CStr(Request(&quot;MM_insert&quot;)) <> &quot;&quot;) Then

' create the sql insert statement
MM_tableValues = &quot;&quot;
MM_dbValues = &quot;&quot;
For MM_i = LBound(MM_fields) To UBound(MM_fields) Step 2
MM_formVal = MM_fields(MM_i+1)
MM_typeArray = Split(MM_columns(MM_i+1),&quot;,&quot;)
MM_delim = MM_typeArray(0)
If (MM_delim = &quot;none&quot;) Then MM_delim = &quot;&quot;
MM_altVal = MM_typeArray(1)
If (MM_altVal = &quot;none&quot;) Then MM_altVal = &quot;&quot;
MM_emptyVal = MM_typeArray(2)
If (MM_emptyVal = &quot;none&quot;) Then MM_emptyVal = &quot;&quot;
If (MM_formVal = &quot;&quot;) Then
MM_formVal = MM_emptyVal
If (MM_altVal <> &quot;&quot;) Then
MM_formVal = MM_altVal
ElseIf (MM_delim = &quot;'&quot;) Then ' escape quotes
MM_formVal = &quot;'&quot; & Replace(MM_formVal,&quot;'&quot;,&quot;''&quot;) & &quot;'&quot;
MM_formVal = MM_delim + MM_formVal + MM_delim
End If
End If
If (MM_i <> LBound(MM_fields)) Then
MM_tableValues = MM_tableValues & &quot;,&quot;
MM_dbValues = MM_dbValues & &quot;,&quot;
End If
MM_tableValues = MM_tableValues & MM_columns(MM_i)
MM_dbValues = MM_dbValues & MM_formVal
MM_editQuery = &quot;insert into &quot; & MM_editTable & &quot; (&quot; & MM_tableValues & &quot;) values (&quot; & MM_dbValues & &quot;)&quot;

If (Not MM_abortEdit) Then
' execute the insert
Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Command&quot;)
MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection
MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery

If (MM_editRedirectUrl <> &quot;&quot;) Then
End If
End If

End If

<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=iso-8859-1&quot;>

<form method=&quot;POST&quot; action=&quot;<%=MM_editAction%>&quot; name=&quot;form1&quot;>
<table align=&quot;center&quot;>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Colect:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;Colect&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Password:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;password&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Morada:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;morada&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Localidade:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;localidade&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Codpostal:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;codpostal&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Horario:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;horario&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Telefone:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;telefone&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Email:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;email&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Fax:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;fax&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Freguesia:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;freguesia&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>Sigla:</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;sigla&quot; value=&quot;&quot; size=&quot;32&quot;> </td>
<tr valign=&quot;baseline&quot;>
<td nowrap align=&quot;right&quot;>&nbsp;</td>
<td> <input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Insert Record&quot;> </td>
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;MM_insert&quot; value=&quot;form1&quot;>


<%@LANGUAGE=&quot;VBSCRIPT&quot; CODEPAGE=&quot;1252&quot;%>
<!--#include file=&quot;Connections/teste.asp&quot; -->
Dim Recordset1__MMColParam
Recordset1__MMColParam = &quot;1&quot;
If (Session(&quot;MM_UserName&quot;) <> &quot;&quot;) Then
Recordset1__MMColParam = Session(&quot;MM_UserName&quot;)
End If
Dim Recordset1
Dim Recordset1_numRows

Set Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_teste_STRING
Recordset1.Source = &quot;SELECT * FROM member WHERE Colect = '&quot; + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, &quot;'&quot;, &quot;''&quot;) + &quot;'&quot;
Recordset1.CursorType = 0
Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2
Recordset1.LockType = 1

Recordset1_numRows = 0
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=iso-8859-1&quot;>

<p><%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item(&quot;Colect&quot;).Value)%> </p>
<div align=&quot;center&quot;>
Set Recordset1 = Nothing

with this it gives me this error

ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'

BOF or EOF is true or the current record was deleted; the requested operation needs a current record.


Herminio, Portugal

/teste/confirm.asp, line31
i've made it!!!

i just changed hte line that was <% session(&quot;username&quot;) = request.form(&quot;colect&quot;) %> to <% session(&quot;username&quot;) = cStr(request.form(&quot;colect&quot;)) %>

this was made with an extension i found on Macromedia's site, now i want to understand what's the difference, it's good that i make things works, but that's not enough, i need to understand why.
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