this is javascript code used to put up a flash movie if the user has flash, or put up an animated gif if they don't. everything looks right. what's wrong with it?<br><br>(this is in the <head><br><br><script><br>(navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"])<br>¦¦ navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 4.0"])<br> {swok = 1;}<br>else<br> {swok = 0;}<br></script><br><br>the body script says basically to put up the flash movie if swok == 1 or put up the gif if swok == 0, but the problem lies in the header. it for some reason plays the gif everytime, leading me to believe it does not understand the code searching for the flash plugin.<br>-Or, if you have better code for this situation that would certainly help.<br><br>