This is driving me crazy... I can comment out the sql statement and everything is fine (minus the sql statement never occuring), but when I try to run normally I get an error statement.
Here's the statement:
The error screen/message I get is the generic 500 Internal Server Error. If you could tell me what to put in the web.config file to allow descriptive error statements that would probably help as well.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Here's the statement:
strSql = "INSERT INTO tblContractors (Contractor, Owner, Address, City, State, Zip, AreaCode1," _
& " PreFix1, PostFix1, AreaCode2, PreFix2, PostFix2, ExcavationBond, ExcavationBondNum," _
& " ExcavationBondExp, UtilityBond, UtilityBondNum, UtilityBondExp, InsuranceExp, AuthorizedSigners) " _
& "VALUES ('" & strContractor & "', '" & strOwner & "', '" & strAddress & "', '" & strCity & "', '" _
& strState & "', '" & strZip "', '" & strAreaCode1 & "', '" & strPreFix1 & "', '" & strPostFix1 & "', '" _
& strAreaCode2 & "', '" & strPreFix2 & "', '" & strPostFix2 "', " & intExcavationBond & ", '" _
& strExcavationBondNum "', #" & dteExcavationBondExp & "#, " & intUtilityBond & ", '" _
& strUtilityBondNum & "', #" & dteUtilityBondExp & "#, #" & dteInsuranceExp & "#, '" _
& strAuthorizedSigners & "');"
The error screen/message I get is the generic 500 Internal Server Error. If you could tell me what to put in the web.config file to allow descriptive error statements that would probably help as well.
Thanks in advance for your help!