Technical User
I have a new HHD that just stop working. I was going to use it like I have with all my other HHDs. I never had a brand new HHD just stop working without any warning. Sure I have had HHDs start to sputter and die but with warning. I always was lucky by having time retreiveing my files. But never ever just stop working. It is a external HHD so I took it out of it's shell and main lined it into a pc but again just no luck. One symptom though when I do this. The pc will stop working until I unplug the bad HHD and unplug the pc then hold down the power button for 8 seconds then plug in the power then it will reboot. But if you do not do this the pc will never start up. Strange indeed. I expect the HHD is good (maybe) but it has to have a different way to get it to boot. Any feed back? Thanks