This is not a question or anything. This is just to vent frustration. Whose bright idea was it for the sandbox design of java???? What a horrible idea. It's a real pain to develop anything useful which involves file handling. You have to go through all this song and dance about certification and all this other stuff. What a hassle. This is yet another pain in my side when I program in java. If java had kept freedom of C++ and the flexibility and range of java (which is the one reason I program in this %$%^ language ^_^ ) They would have a truly divine work of art. You have to take 40 wierd steps in java to do what you could in C++ for the truly useful stuff. The novelty of java has worn off and I think it's time sun gives the developer a better range of movement in java, like having different version for specific OS's and a uniform version of java. That is what I want to see from them. I am through venting. I had to get this off my chest. I've just spent an hour lookin around how to access files on comp and have found it but now I'm gettin somethin about my vsjkey has been tampered with right after I made it......
Ugghh what a pain!!!!!!
Ugghh what a pain!!!!!!