Let me first explain what I'm trying to do. I have a Form ASP page with text boxes and buttons. The Form ASP page contains a delete button (not your typical Reset button)that when pressed with the code:<br><br><input SIZE="20" name="ACTION" value="Delete Form" TYPE="SUBMIT"> <br><br>It goes to the second ASP page until it sees the following code:<br><br><%If ACTION="Delete Form" Then%><br> <FORM NAME="delForm" ACTION="../asp/Form.asp" METHOD="POST"><br> <INPUT NAME="DEL" VALUE="delFormValues" TYPE="HIDDEN"><br><% End If %><br><br><script LANGUAGE="VBScript"><br>Sub Window_onLoad()<br> delForm.Submit()<br>End Sub<br></script><br><br>It executes it and is suppose to return the VALUE="delFormValues" back to the FORM ASP page and execute the code below:<br><br>VALUE="<% If ACTIONdel = Request.Form("DEL" Then %><br> <% If ACTIONdel="delFormValues" Then %><br> <% Response.Write " " %><br> <% Else %><br> <% = Request.Form("variable" %><br> <% End If %><br> <% End If %>"<br><br>This code will write the VALUE in a text box of the FORM page. Don't ask me why I did my code like this but the point is it gives the following error:<br><br>Error: Object required: 'delForm'<br><br>Does anyone know why and suggest something?<br>