My company is currently in the process of switching our operations to dispatching our technicians from home. The problem we are having is what do we do during slow periods when the techs are home by 1pm? do we stop their payroll? We are a small company and all of our techs have families and all three are the readwinners of their families. One tech has been with us for 7 years. How do I tell them now they are not guranteed 40hours per week now? Any other solutions or ideas or even opinions are greatly appreciated.!!!
My company is currently in the process of switching our operations to dispatching our technicians from home. The problem we are having is what do we do during slow periods when the techs are home by 1pm? do we stop their payroll? We are a small company and all of our techs have families and all three are the readwinners of their families. One tech has been with us for 7 years. How do I tell them now they are not guranteed 40hours per week now? Any other solutions or ideas or even opinions are greatly appreciated.!!!