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What tapes were used for a job on Networker 7.4.4?

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Dec 6, 2001
I am new to Legato and need to figuere out what tapes were used for an specific job, we have many jobs running and even though the tapes are label with the job pool name, if you have an older tape from same pool was used to restore from, this tape will be label with the date it was last used which make the IDing tapes hard. Is there a way/report to know what tapes were used for each job?

It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .

I don't know what you mean by 'each job'...

With mminfo you can query the media database to get the group name of each saveset on a tape.

mminfo -av -r "name,savetime(20),volume,group"

Hope this helps.

What I mean is that we have different "jobs" scheduled. For example, we have two large jobs, one called weekly one and the second one is weekly two, both jobs run obviously on a weekly basis. I would like to know what tapes were used for each job, I have find out that just checking the dates on the GUI for the "week one" job is not reliable because as I said previously, if I had done a restore from "weekly one" (and we do restore a lot) the tape is date stamped with the date when it was last used for the restore, so just looking in the GUI the restored tapes can get confused with the job one tapes. Hope this makes some sence and thanks for your help.


It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
Networker works on "group" based jobs.
Do you use different groups names to perform your saves ?
Silly me, coming from the windows world of other back up applications were a backup job is called a "job" I forgot that Networker call them "groups", sorry for the misunderstanding.
So the answer is YES, I use different "groups" called weekly one, and weekly two, etc. I am trying to determine if there is a way to ID what tapes where used for example for the weekly one "group" that ran two or three weeks ago.
Thanks a lot.

It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
In this case, it's pretty simple :

mminfo -avot -q "group='weekly one',savetime>'-5 days',savetime<'-3 days'" -r "volume,savetime(20)"

Just have to put the right group name and the right date and time...

This is looking good, just to clarify: which date and time will I put? and this info should go instead of the "savetime" in your command? or savetime=?
I am not to clear on what the "savetime>'-5 days',savetime<'-3 days'" -r "volume,savetime(20)" part does. What is the (20) for?
I will give this a try as soon as get back to the office.
Also, since you are knowledgeble on this subject, is there a users forum or somewhere that I can look for info/help on Legato besides this website?
Thanks a million!

It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
The string
-q "savetime>'-5 days',savetime<'-3 days'"
specifies the range for the 'savetime' query. As mminfo does not allow to use
-q "'-5 days'>savetime<'-3 days'"
you must specify two queries.
BTW - instead of '-n days' you can also use 'n days ago'.

The string
-r "parameter(n)"
specifies the width of the reported 'parameter' in characters.

For more details, please also read the mminfo manpages.
You'll have to query (with the -q parameter) the savetime of your saves. Since savetime cannot be inside 2 date parameters, you'll have to put it twice, thus, informing mminfo that you you want all the saves performed between these two savetime.

The '-3 days' or '3 days ago' or 'last week' is to calculate the date since the current date/time.

The -r is to tell mminfo what to report (the 20 lentgh parameter is to get details on the savetime : date and time instead of date only).

For other stuff, RTFM ;-)

For other websites, try to google...
Newby needs help!
I am geting this error message:
unknown report constraint:
usage: mminfo [-avV] [-o order] [-s server] [-x exportspec] [report] [query] [volname...]

<report>: [ -m | -p | -B | -S | -X | -r reportspec ]
<query>: [-c client] [-N name] [-t time] [-q queryspec]

When running: mminfo -avot -q "group='Weekly Pool',savetime>'-n days'," -r volume, savetime(20)"

What am I missing? I am trying to determine the tapes that the Weekly Pool used last weekend.
What else do I need to substitute in that command?


It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
>>When running: mminfo -avot -q "group='Weekly Pool',savetime>'-n days'," -r volume, savetime(20)"

There appears to be a comma after '-n days'

Try using:

mminfo -avot -q "group=Weekly Pool,savetime>-n days" -r "volume,savetime(20)
As long as you will not indicate the value for 'n' (-n days) to mminfo, mminfo will not guess it ;-)
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