I have to identity switches 2950. What should I do to connect two switch'es. I mean I connect second one using crosscable and it's working. But shouldn't I program sth in IOS???
To have a simple connection between two switches you will not need to programm something in the IOS. Only if you want to use features like stacking or VLANs you will have to configure them. By connecting two switches with each other you can only connect PCs that are on the same subnet. If you want to connect different subnets you will need routing functionality...
I've come to believe that if you connect two switches together and are able to do so, you should set the link up to function as a trunk. The reason for this is that if you need to add vlans at a later date it is easy and non-disruptive to add vlans to a trunk. Converting a standard link to a trunk link requires a brief outage. If you have already scheduled and performed the change you won't need to cause an emergency outage later.
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