I had a setting in my dlink router's Firewall rules that I was curious about:
so I emailed a Dlink tech who said pointing to the address was their way of 'blocking access' for these ports--that the 'allow' was actually a 'deny' rule because they used this 'special, invisible address'.....(??????!!!!!!!)
But I of course *have* a valid client on that address.
So who's wrong--DLink for that seemingly preposterous statement, or me for using that 'invisible' address?
I finally called Dlink by phone (after arguing to no avail via email with this rep), and the phone tech said "Microsoft pays us to set our firmware to open by Default all UPnp and Gaming Mode ports, and that's what those ports are". (These settings showed up just after I upgraded the firmware).
Can anyone clarify any of this???
I had a setting in my dlink router's Firewall rules that I was curious about:
Allow Wan.*-->Lan tcp ports 8156-53727 and udp 10350-25576
But I of course *have* a valid client on that address.
So who's wrong--DLink for that seemingly preposterous statement, or me for using that 'invisible' address?
I finally called Dlink by phone (after arguing to no avail via email with this rep), and the phone tech said "Microsoft pays us to set our firmware to open by Default all UPnp and Gaming Mode ports, and that's what those ports are". (These settings showed up just after I upgraded the firmware).
Can anyone clarify any of this???