I’m an English major and for some reason my professor makes us learn about perl.
It’s just really hard to grasp for me and help would be greatly appreciated.
I already know that this m/ < means that “does this line contain “<“ same goes with “>” but what is meant by “.*”??
use strict;
use warnings;
my $k = "";
print "running ...\n";
open (IN,"auste-north-1522.txt");
open (OUT,">outfile4.txt");
while (<IN>) {
$_ =~ s/(\<i\>)|(\<\/i\>)//g;
print OUT $_ unless ($_ =~ m/\<.*\>/g);
close (IN);
close (OUT);
print "Press the return/enter key to finish.";
$k = <STDIN>
It’s just really hard to grasp for me and help would be greatly appreciated.
I already know that this m/ < means that “does this line contain “<“ same goes with “>” but what is meant by “.*”??
use strict;
use warnings;
my $k = "";
print "running ...\n";
open (IN,"auste-north-1522.txt");
open (OUT,">outfile4.txt");
while (<IN>) {
$_ =~ s/(\<i\>)|(\<\/i\>)//g;
print OUT $_ unless ($_ =~ m/\<.*\>/g);
close (IN);
close (OUT);
print "Press the return/enter key to finish.";
$k = <STDIN>