Just curious.. best i seem to get is 400MB/min as reported by arcserve when doing restores. We don't use Arcserve for backups. Doesn't seem to matter whether i use DLT8000's or SDLT320's.. Thats about 6MB/sec which is what a DLT8000 is supposedly capable of. Nowhere near the 16MB/sec an SDLT320 is capable of but I'm guessing an SDLT320 can't read an older geration backup faster.. that it "slows down" to read the older generation tapes (DLTIV's created on DLT8000 generation drives).
Anyways just wanted to take a poll to see what kinds of throughput people are seeing as reported by arcserve.
Anyways just wanted to take a poll to see what kinds of throughput people are seeing as reported by arcserve.