When I went into college, I was not 100% sure of what I wanted to do, I just knew I was interested in computers. I lucked out, and fell into the perfect major. IT (Actually, IST, or Information Sciences and Technology, in the case of my university). Now, after four years, I've graduated, and I still do not understand for what kind of job this major trained me!
The main focus of our program was definitely project management. The major was not extremely technical. We did not build computers, or fix them, or anything like that. We are also not programmers. To me, the major seemed like a business major with a healthy dose of IT. Right up my ally, quite frankly, but what the Heck kind of job do I get now?
The main focus of our program was definitely project management. The major was not extremely technical. We did not build computers, or fix them, or anything like that. We are also not programmers. To me, the major seemed like a business major with a healthy dose of IT. Right up my ally, quite frankly, but what the Heck kind of job do I get now?