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what is wrong with this?

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Sep 5, 2002
this is part of my code:

// cookie functions
function getCookieExpireDate(noDays){
var today = new Date()
var expr = new Date(today.getTime()+31*24*60*60*1000)
return expr.toGMTString()
function makeCookie(name, data, noDays){
var cookieStr = name + "="+ data
if (makeCookie.arguments.length > 2){
cookieStr += "; expires=" + getCookieExpireDate(noDays)
document.cookie = cookieStr

this should set the cookie to exist for a month. but instead it only lasts as long as the browser is open. the cookie is accesed on a separate page. If i close the browser and redirect straight to the page where the cookie is read, there is no data values.
what am i doing wrong?
-Mon3y is the r00t of all evil and every man needs roots-
The code below is a copy and paste example of cookies in asp and javaclientscript. The cookie is set with a name, array of item names and an array of item values.
An expire date is not given as it is fixed on current date + 50 months.

<%@enablesessionstate=&quot;false&quot; language=&quot;vbscript&quot;%>
<% ' @enablesessionstate is to disable session %>
<% Response.CacheControl = &quot;no-cache&quot; %>
<% Response.AddHeader &quot;Pragma&quot;, &quot;no-cache&quot; %>
<% Response.Expires = -1 %>
dim lng_Count
if Request.Cookies(&quot;CartItem1&quot;)(&quot;ItemID&quot;) = &quot;&quot; then
'simulate a 'cart of items
for lng_Count = 1 to 10
Response.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemID&quot;) = &quot;GLS;&quot; & (330 + lng_Count)
Response.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemName&quot;) = &quot;VisionCo Glasses &quot; & lng_Count
Response.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemCost&quot;) = round(rnd*10+1,2)
Response.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemQuantity&quot;) = int(rnd*3)
lng_Count = 1
while Request.Cookies(&quot;CartItem&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemID&quot;) <> &quot;&quot;
Response.Write Request.Cookies(&quot;CartItem&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemID&quot;)%><br>
<%=Request.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemName&quot;)%><br>
<%=Request.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemCost&quot;)%><br>
<%=Request.Cookies(&quot;Cart;Item&quot; & lng_Count)(&quot;ItemQuantity&quot;)%><br>
<% lng_Count = lng_Count + 1
end if
<textarea style=&quot;width:600;height:400&quot; id=t1 name=t1></textarea>
function cookies(strName) {

cookies.prototype.del =function(strName){
// to delete a cookie make a string like so:
// cookiename=; expires= dateInThePast.toGMTString()
// this wil return true if the cookiename does not exsist
var blnReturn = false;
var expires = new Date();
document.cookie = escape(strName) + &quot;=gone; expires=&quot; + expires.toGMTString();
return !this.get(strName,&quot;&quot;)[0];
cookies.prototype.add =function(strName,arrItemNames,arrItemValues){
// to create a cookie:
// make a string like this:
// name=value value should be a set of names and values
// name=nameOfValue1=value1&nameOfValue2=value2
// this wil return true if the cookiename exsists
if(arrItemNames.length!=arrItemValues.length||arrItemNames.length==0) { return false;}
var expires = new Date();
var strCookie = escape(strName) + &quot;=&quot;;
for(i=0;i<arrItemNames.length;i++) {
strCookie = strCookie + escape(arrItemNames[ i ]) + &quot;=&quot; + escape(arrItemValues[ i ]) + &quot;&&quot;;
strCookie = strCookie.substring(0,strCookie.length-1);
document.cookie = strCookie + &quot;; expires=&quot; + expires.toGMTString();
return this.get(strName,&quot;&quot;)[0];
cookies.prototype.change =function(strName, strItemName, strValue){
// this wil true true if the strName and strItemName exist.
var arrRet = this.get(strName,strItemName);
var arrTemp = new Array();
var arrItemNames = new Array();
var arrItemValues = new Array();
var strTemp = &quot;&quot;;
if(arrRet.length==2) {
return arrRet;
arrTemp = document.cookie.split(&quot;; &quot;);
if(arrTemp[ i ].substring(0,strName.length)==strName) {
arrTemp=arrTemp[ i ].substring(strName.length+1,arrTemp[ i ].length).split(&quot;&&quot;);
for(j=0;j<arrTemp.length ;j++){
for(i=0;i<arrItemNames.length;i++) {
if(arrItemNames[ i ]==strItemName) {
arrItemValues[ i ] = strValue;
return this.get(strName,strItemName);
cookies.prototype.get =function(strName, strItemName){
// to get a cookie you need the name of the cookie
// and the name of the item of the cookie
// Request.Cookies cookie(cookiename)(itemname) in asp
var strCookie = document.cookie
var arrCookie = document.cookie.split(&quot;; &quot;);
var tmpArr = new Array();
var arrCookieItem = new Array();
var tmpString = &quot;&quot;;
var arrRet = new Array(false,false);
for(i=0;i<arrCookie.length;i++) {
tmpArr = arrCookie[ i ].split(&quot;=&quot;);
tmpString = tmpArr[0];
tmpArr = arrCookie[ i ].substring(tmpString.length+1,arrCookie[ i ].length).split(&quot;&&quot;);
tmpString = tmpArr.join(&quot;=&quot;);
tmpArr = tmpString.split(&quot;=&quot;);
arrCookieItem = tmpArr;
arrRet[0] = true;
//this.del(unescape(tmpArr[ i ]));
if(strItemName==&quot;&quot;){arrRet[1]=false;return arrRet;}
if(!arrRet[0]){ //cookie name was not found, check if the name of the cookie item can be found
for(i=0;i<arrCookie.length;i++) {
tmpArr = arrCookie[ i ].split(&quot;=&quot;);
if(unescape(tmpArr[j]).substring(unescape(tmpArr[j]).length-strItemName.length,unescape(tmpArr[j]).length)==strItemName) {
arrRet[1] = true;
for(i=0;i<arrCookieItem.length;i++) {
if(unescape(arrCookieItem[ i ])==strItemName) {
arrRet[0] = unescape(arrCookieItem[i+1]);
arrRet[1] = true;
arrRet = arrRet.slice(0,1);
// there is no coockie found so we return false
return arrRet;
// we wil makke a cookies object that we can use to make/edit/get and delete cookies
var cookies = new cookies();

// the first function of the cookies object that we wil do is the add
// function this function needs a cookie name
// and 2 arrays an array containing the names of the cookie sub items
// and an array that contains the values of the cokie sub items
// this function wil return true if the cookie name exsists after creating it
var arrItemNames = new Array(&quot;tst item 1&quot;,&quot;tst item 2&quot;);
var arrItemValues = new Array(&quot;tst value item 1&quot;,&quot;tst value item 2&quot;);
alert('cookie add returns: ' + cookies.add('test cookie',arrItemNames,arrItemValues));

// next we wil use the get function of the cookies object, we want to have
// the cookiename/subitem of that cookie, this function returns an array 2 booleans
// if something goes wrong. The first indicates if the cookiename exsists
// and the second indicates if a subitem exsists with the name you provided.
// if the function can find a value it ruturns an array with only 1 item
// so the array.length will be 1 and the value is in array[0]
//alert('Cannot get this cookie because the subitem does not exists\nso this function returns: ' + cookies.get(&quot;test cookie&quot;,&quot;subitem does not exsists&quot;));
//alert('this is better, now the function returns the value : ' + cookies.get(&quot;test cookie&quot;,&quot;tst item 1&quot;)[0]);

// the change function of the cookies object wil change a sertain subitem of a cookie
// this function takes the name of the cookie, name of the subitem
// and the new value of the subitem (value it wil be changed to
// the function returns the same as the function get
//alert('Cannot change cookie because cookiename does not exists\nso this function returns: ' + cookies.change(&quot;this is an incorrect cookie name&quot;,&quot;tst item 2&quot;,&quot;value is errelevant because it is not set&quot;));
//alert('this is better, now the function returns the value : ' + cookies.change(&quot;test cookie&quot;,&quot;tst item 2&quot;,&quot;changed this value&quot;)[0]);

// the last function of the cookies object is del this deletes the cookie
// It takes one variable and that is the cookie name
// it returns true if the cookie name still exsists after executing
// and false if the cookiename does not excists
//alert('This cookie probebly did not exist even before the del was started del wil return true because the cookie does not exist ' + cookies.del(&quot;this is an incorrect cookie name&quot;));
//alert('This cookie does exsist but not anymore after the del function is started so del returns allso true: ' + cookies.del(&quot;test cookie&quot;));

document.getElementById('t1').value = document.cookie
<input value=&quot;cookie exist&quot; type=button onclick=&quot;alert(cookies.get('tst','item2').join('--'));&quot; id=button1 name=button1>
<input value=&quot;cookie change&quot; type=button onclick=&quot;alert(cookies.change('tst','item2','this is changed item 2'));;&quot; id=button2 name=button2>
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