- Nov 1, 2001
- 406
I just got this code from chapter 15 of the booK titled "Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0". When I ran this piece of codes, I got this message:
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/ch15/AddUser.asp, line 13
I do not know why. I did change the cursor type from adOpenForwardOnly to adOpenDynamic. Unfortunately it did not work. I am hoping you can give me the answer and fix it.
Thank you in advance
Dim rsUsers
Set rsUsers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
rsUsers.Open "Person", objConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
If Session("PersonID" <> "" Then ' currently logged-on user
rsUsers.Filter = "PersonID = '" & Session("PersonID" & "'"
Else ' New session
rsUsers.Filter = "EMailAddress = '" & Request.Form("email" & "'" & _
"AND Password = '" & Request.Form("password" & "'"
If rsUsers.EOF Then ' User not found
rsUsers.AddNew ' ...so add a new record
' Else
' Email address and password matched with DB records -
' In this case we'll allow this to update user's personal details
End If
End If
' write personal details to record
rsUsers("EMailAddress" = Request.Form("email"
rsUsers("Password" = Request.Form("password"
rsUsers("FamilyName" = Request.Form("FamilyName"
rsUsers("GivenName" = Request.Form("GivenName"
rsUsers("StreetAddress1" = Request.Form("Address1"
rsUsers("StreetAddress2" = Request.Form("Address2"
rsUsers("City" = Request.Form("City"
rsUsers("State" = Request.Form("State"
rsUsers("PostalCode" = Request.Form("PostalCode"
rsUsers("Country" = Request.Form("Country"
rsUsers("Active" = True
rsUsers("LastLogin" = Now
rsUsers.Update ' update the database
Dim strName, strValue ' create session variables
For each strField in rsUsers.Fields
strName = strField.Name
strValue = strField.value
Session(strName) = strValue
Session("blnValidUser" = True ' declare that current user is validated
Response.Redirect "MenuForRegisteredUsers.asp"
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/ch15/AddUser.asp, line 13
I do not know why. I did change the cursor type from adOpenForwardOnly to adOpenDynamic. Unfortunately it did not work. I am hoping you can give me the answer and fix it.
Thank you in advance
Dim rsUsers
Set rsUsers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"
rsUsers.Open "Person", objConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
If Session("PersonID" <> "" Then ' currently logged-on user
rsUsers.Filter = "PersonID = '" & Session("PersonID" & "'"
Else ' New session
rsUsers.Filter = "EMailAddress = '" & Request.Form("email" & "'" & _
"AND Password = '" & Request.Form("password" & "'"
If rsUsers.EOF Then ' User not found
rsUsers.AddNew ' ...so add a new record
' Else
' Email address and password matched with DB records -
' In this case we'll allow this to update user's personal details
End If
End If
' write personal details to record
rsUsers("EMailAddress" = Request.Form("email"
rsUsers("Password" = Request.Form("password"
rsUsers("FamilyName" = Request.Form("FamilyName"
rsUsers("GivenName" = Request.Form("GivenName"
rsUsers("StreetAddress1" = Request.Form("Address1"
rsUsers("StreetAddress2" = Request.Form("Address2"
rsUsers("City" = Request.Form("City"
rsUsers("State" = Request.Form("State"
rsUsers("PostalCode" = Request.Form("PostalCode"
rsUsers("Country" = Request.Form("Country"
rsUsers("Active" = True
rsUsers("LastLogin" = Now
rsUsers.Update ' update the database
Dim strName, strValue ' create session variables
For each strField in rsUsers.Fields
strName = strField.Name
strValue = strField.value
Session(strName) = strValue
Session("blnValidUser" = True ' declare that current user is validated
Response.Redirect "MenuForRegisteredUsers.asp"