Hi all,
I am little bit of newbie to Paradox have only written a few scripts. I am worried though I have very large implementation of Paradox Database under my control. It is in fact a recruitment database it contains alot of records around 80,000 different objects (clients,contacts,applicants) but our notes file has around 800,000 notes in it. Now I have read that paradox tables should not be any bigger than 250meg on another forum ? We have tables at the moment which are getting close to this ? Is there any limitations on size of tables ? I cannot change the structure of the tables and they are not exactly normalized the product was written by a third party so i cannot change them either without effecting our recruitment application. But I can delete data from the database if we are going to face a major problem in the future. Is there anyone out there with a large implementation that could confirm for me that when we go over 250meg I am not going to crash completely. ;-)
Is there any other problems I should be aware of possible with increased size.
Cheers for any help,
One stressed IT Manager,