width=150, height=80> *you may have to mess with the dimensions on that, it's been a while since I last figured that out.<br>
An alternative, if you still want it to play when you click on a link woud be to use the following JavaScript-enhanced link (replace !!! with the URL of the document being linked to and replace ??? with the URL of your wav file):<br>
<a href="#" onClick="document.writeln('<embed src=??? autostart=true>'); window.location='!!!';">Linked text/object here</a>
The following code code will play a .wav file when the mouse passes over the link.
<EMBED SRC="welcom98.wav" autostart="false" hidden="true">
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function playHome()
if (document.all)
[tab]document.all.sound.src = "welcom98.wav";
<bgsound id="sound">
<A HREF="#" onMouseover="playHome()">LINK TEXT GOES HERE</A>
Chris - did you place that <embed> in the <head>? I couldn't tell from your script, and was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that it needed to be in the body...
Thanks Chris for the clarification. I use a similar script to the one you recommend, but have not used the <embed> tag, because when I tested it using NN on a Mac, it required the loading of a Quicktime plugin. I avoid using any scripts that force viewers to go out onto the web and download plugins, so did not use the <embed> tag (even though it worked perfectly in Windows). Admittedly that is probably too much caution, given the small percentage using NN on a Mac, but that's another thread.
I wish there was a way to use the <embed> tag (perhaps in conjunction with a js??) to get around that nasty "Plugin Required" alert. While I do not write js, and have tremendous respect for its flexibility, I continue to wonder why there is not a way to pre-load sound into its architecture. Seems like a major oversight, given the popularity of sound on websites....
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