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what is the meaning for <?php=$url?>

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Technical User
Mar 14, 2003
There is one code syntax I could not run and I do not understand how it works yet? I copy it from one booke named "PHP and MySQL Web Development" edited by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson, Page 553. Is it a typo?

Function do_html_URL($url, $name)
// outpur url as a link
<a href=&quot;<?=$url?>&quot;><?=$name?></a><br>


This function could not give me a link , and I could not understand the syntax of <?=$url>.

Can someboyd give some ideas about it?


Function do_html_URL($url, $name)
//this closes any open php so the quotes wont mess it up

//this opens php <? then inserts a string $url then closes the php does more html and then opens the string again.
<a href=&quot;<?=$url?>&quot;><?=$name?></a><br>
//this opens up the php again


probably would be clearer if they did it like this..

<a href=&quot; <? =$url ?> &quot;><? =$name ?></a><br>

oh i think i see what you mean... hmm no idea why the = is there.. wierd.. lemme look at my version right fast..

nope dont see it... i would say its a typo if that is whats in the book..drop the ='s and it should work fine as long as its fead the right info :D

in the begining man created code.
in the end code will create man.
clones are coming only matter of time.
I would do it like this:

function do_html_URL($url, $name) {
  // output url as a link
  <a href=&quot;<? echo $url; ?>&quot;><? echo $name; ?></a><br>

This should work fine...
u can't put <?=, <? & ?> must be alone.. and u have to use either echo or print to output the content of a variable, like:

<a href=&quot;<? echo $url; ?>&quot;>
<a href=&quot;<? print $url; ?>&quot;>
but never
<a href=&quot;<? $url; ?>&quot;>

another problem u have in your function, when u close with ?>, put <a> and then re.open it <?, the <a> doesn't even belong to the function because it's out of <? ?>.

so, u should use:

function do_html_URL($url, $name)
echo &quot;<a href=\&quot;$url\&quot;>$name</a><br>&quot;;

Actually, jamesp0tter you can do all of that, it's just a collection of shortcuts... the possible problem is actually taken care of in the thread title... some installations of php won't recognize


as an opening tag, you'll need <?php

However, I do agree with, it's a silly way to do it... I would've suggested
function doHtmlUrl($url, $name) 
  echo '<a href=&quot;'.$url.'&quot;>'.$name.'</a><br />';
but at that stage it's just whatever you're style is.

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