Currently I have the below requirement to send data to some server.
Dateset information:
Organization . . . : PS
Record format . . . : FB
Record length . . . : 80
Message structure in normal sequentil file:
HDR.................... >>>> first batch
while putting the data in MQ, the second record append with first one and third with second and so on.....
HDR.................... >>>> second batch
Each batch may have 10 records with the length of 80 chars or 10000 records with the length of 80 chars.
1. What is the maximum message size can handle in COBOL?
2. How we can delcare the maximum size in working storage varaibles.
05 WS-MQ-LEN PIC ---?
05 WS-MQ-DATA PIC ---?
3. If the message is too big and if it crosses the available size limit then how we can handle the message? Is there any method to recall the message.
Please suggest.
Currently I have the below requirement to send data to some server.
Dateset information:
Organization . . . : PS
Record format . . . : FB
Record length . . . : 80
Message structure in normal sequentil file:
HDR.................... >>>> first batch
while putting the data in MQ, the second record append with first one and third with second and so on.....
HDR.................... >>>> second batch
Each batch may have 10 records with the length of 80 chars or 10000 records with the length of 80 chars.
1. What is the maximum message size can handle in COBOL?
2. How we can delcare the maximum size in working storage varaibles.
05 WS-MQ-LEN PIC ---?
05 WS-MQ-DATA PIC ---?
3. If the message is too big and if it crosses the available size limit then how we can handle the message? Is there any method to recall the message.
Please suggest.