what is the convenience method?
When dealing with interfaces of classes, it's best to keep them small. The Law of Demeter says that you should never write code that invokes a getter on an object returned from a getter, for example x.getBlah().getFoo(). Instead, x's class should have a getFoo() method that does that for you. I think that law is wrong. If x.getBlah()returns a complex object, the public interface expands way out of control. Furthermore, changes to the interface of x.getBlah() cause changes to the interface of x. For that reason, I suggest exactly the opposite: Convenience methods with simple alternatives should be removed from the public interface of the class. If you suspect that a public method does not need to be public, you can do an experiment by deprecating it. You won't break the build, and you'll soon find out if anyone cares whether or not it can be called.
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-in the article "Make bad code good" at JavaWorld
When dealing with interfaces of classes, it's best to keep them small. The Law of Demeter says that you should never write code that invokes a getter on an object returned from a getter, for example x.getBlah().getFoo(). Instead, x's class should have a getFoo() method that does that for you. I think that law is wrong. If x.getBlah()returns a complex object, the public interface expands way out of control. Furthermore, changes to the interface of x.getBlah() cause changes to the interface of x. For that reason, I suggest exactly the opposite: Convenience methods with simple alternatives should be removed from the public interface of the class. If you suspect that a public method does not need to be public, you can do an experiment by deprecating it. You won't break the build, and you'll soon find out if anyone cares whether or not it can be called.
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-in the article "Make bad code good" at JavaWorld