I know - the question sounds dumb, but I've written the exam 4 times and failed each time (twice of them with 835) getting on "WAN Services" 17%
Bridging&Switching 83%
OSI Model&Layered Communications 83%
Routed Protocols 92%
Routing Proticols 89%
WAN Services 17%
Network Management 50%
LAN Technologies 83%
Cisco&Networking Basics 100%
I prepared through cisco.netacad.net, and Ok, I know what OSI is, what Routed/Routing Protocols are, even the Network Management i can comprehend, but what kills me: I do not understand what topics should I hit to fix this 17%. Anyone?
Bridging&Switching 83%
OSI Model&Layered Communications 83%
Routed Protocols 92%
Routing Proticols 89%
WAN Services 17%
Network Management 50%
LAN Technologies 83%
Cisco&Networking Basics 100%
I prepared through cisco.netacad.net, and Ok, I know what OSI is, what Routed/Routing Protocols are, even the Network Management i can comprehend, but what kills me: I do not understand what topics should I hit to fix this 17%. Anyone?