What does this mean to you if any thing --> TEST.QEURV1
I saw something similar a while back and the resolve was to rebuild the DB2 utilities to the database
In your case the report is trying to access the source using the stored connection properties, but for some reason the DSN can not get through.
In order to use either the native or ODBC driver that ships with Crystal Reports, you must have the Client Application Enabler (CAE) on the client computer. CAE is installed by DB2.
In fact I dug and found the following 2 KBases on the CR site
c2005160, How to BIND the CRDB2 ODBC Driver to a DB2 database
c2005115, IBM Client Access ODBC Driver Allows a Successful Login Without a Password
There is also a White Paper titles scr_db2_error.pdfavailable.
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