It should be correctly as (quotes around the #):
<a href="#" id="lnkReports" >MTSA Reports</a>
This creates a text link to the top of the current page. Lets say you had scrolled down a long page, clicking this link would bring you back to the top.
When you define anchor tags in your code such as this:
<a name="section4">This is section 4</a>
And then you try to link to it from the same page, like this:
<a href="#section4">Go To Section 4</a>
Then, when you click the link, it will scroll up or down (depending on your current location in the document) to place "This is section 4" at the top of the screen.
So, when you use it like this:
<a href="#">Click here...</a>
Then, clicking on it will do nothing. This is usually a way to add javascript to a link's onclick event.
Ham and Eggs walks into a bar and asks, "Can I have a beer please?"
The bartender replies, "I'm sorry, we don't serve breakfast.
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