I am thinking about this to avoid missing files, etc. This sounds like a good way to print & an easy way from any printer. Does it have some (unknown to me) strings attached?
I have 2 different printers who take my high res pdfs. They each supplied me with a PPD specific to their workflow for me to use when making the pdfs. I set up a test file & emailed it to them. They ripped it & everything worked perfectly. Now that InDesign generates pdf/X-1a pdfs, this alone might work just fine.
It's always best to talk to your printer before you get too far into a project. Let them know what you are doing & ask them what they need. Some printers like a pdf for each page, mine prefer a single pdf for all the pages.
Most printers are more than happy to help you solve any issues long before they become problems at the press stage. Most of them are willing to rip a test file to make sure everything is working with their particular workflow.
Hi-Res PDF is great, but because my printer uses acrobat version 1.3 I cannot use transparancies. So that sucks. But version 1.4 and 1.5 (acrobat 6) do. You just have to know what settings you want for your document (compression wise) and you will not have a problem. It works much simpeler than with Quark thats for shure
Solarwarrior...I don't understand why you can't use transparency in a 1.3 PDF. Transparency is flattened in a 1.3, but the effects are there. In a 1.4 and 1.5 PDF the transparency remains 'live,' but your printer should be able to print transparency from all 3 formats. I wonder what I'm missing here...
Your printer does not need to own any specific version of the full Acrobat program. They only need to print from the most up-to-date free Reader. The challange is if their RIP can handle the transparency effects in the most recent versions of Acrobat.
- - picklefish - -
Why is everyone in this forum responding to me as picklefish?
Hi-Rez PDFs are the only way to deal with printers. I publish a local newspaper. I use InDesign on a PC, my publisher is strictly Mac. I send them a CD of a PDF every issue and we have never had a problem.
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