Could someone tell me what causes this and/or how to fix it. This is the full message.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e57'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.
/HTMLpages/toolbars/credit_investigations/letterchoice.asp, line 69
and this is the code.
sqlString = "INSERT INTO CustInfo (RecordDate, ACSUserID, Department, Unit, LetterType, SubLetterType, AccountNumber,AccountBalance, FirstName, "
sqlString = sqlString & "MI, LastName)"
sqlString = sqlString & " VALUES ('" & today & "','" & acsuserid & "','" & department & "', '" & unit & "', '" & lettertype & "'"
sqlString = sqlString & ", '" & lettersubtype & "','" & acctnum & "', CAST ('" & acctbal & "' as Money), '" & firstname & "', '" & middleinit & "'"
sqlString = sqlString & ", '" & lastname & "')"
SET RS = Conn.Execute( sqlString )
Is it a field that Im missing. Because it is part of an if statement but the value is not being inserted into the DB.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e57'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.
/HTMLpages/toolbars/credit_investigations/letterchoice.asp, line 69
and this is the code.
sqlString = "INSERT INTO CustInfo (RecordDate, ACSUserID, Department, Unit, LetterType, SubLetterType, AccountNumber,AccountBalance, FirstName, "
sqlString = sqlString & "MI, LastName)"
sqlString = sqlString & " VALUES ('" & today & "','" & acsuserid & "','" & department & "', '" & unit & "', '" & lettertype & "'"
sqlString = sqlString & ", '" & lettersubtype & "','" & acctnum & "', CAST ('" & acctbal & "' as Money), '" & firstname & "', '" & middleinit & "'"
sqlString = sqlString & ", '" & lastname & "')"
SET RS = Conn.Execute( sqlString )
Is it a field that Im missing. Because it is part of an if statement but the value is not being inserted into the DB.