The basic tool is still the same. I wouldn't expect you to require retraining on V8. The primary enhancements are:
Better Web support
Closer integration with Visual Basic
Better access to variable arrays
Ability to select "Distinct" as a menu option
Some object group alignment and sizing features
Additional functions for formulas.
(You can download some of these, the ones for date math).
If you have a specific area of interest I can be more specific. Ken Hamady
fountain: Other key features in V8 are that reports use a new file structure which will continue to be both forward and backwards compatible with future versions (e.g. v8 can read and write v7 reports). Also reports load approx. 10 times faster than v7. Dependent upon the exact release of v7 you're using you may also find significant improvements to parameters.
hth David C. Monks
One thing that you LOSE in V8 is the ability to compile and distribute reports easily. You can still dowload this feature for V8, but Seagate is moving to stop "giving everything away". See the related FAQ on how to use compiled reports with V8. Ken Hamady
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