I have just transferred an Excel sheet into Acces as a table and the wizard led me to splitt redundant fields etc. I am now wondering what else should be transfered to other tables and how to link them.
In my Excel "database" the table of data was the typical columns and rows. Column # 2 would be a numerical value required in various reports but the value in column # 2 could be a simple value or it could be the result of a comlex formula linked to columns #15 through 19 inclusive.
How do I duplicate this type of relationship. Clearly columns # 15 throygh 19 do not belong in the main table but how do I make sure that the value in column #2 can still be depandant on items in a new table?
In my Excel "database" the table of data was the typical columns and rows. Column # 2 would be a numerical value required in various reports but the value in column # 2 could be a simple value or it could be the result of a comlex formula linked to columns #15 through 19 inclusive.
How do I duplicate this type of relationship. Clearly columns # 15 throygh 19 do not belong in the main table but how do I make sure that the value in column #2 can still be depandant on items in a new table?