Okay, what's up everyone? I've been searching this for days, and cannot get an answer to help me... Here's my scenario...
I had a Netgear Wireless B router upstairs. Downstairs, I had the Netgear WGE101 Wireless G bridge. Next to that PC, I have a laptop, with a G card. Everything worked okay, but the strength wasn't all there. I was able to pick up the Netgear Wireless G router for like $20 at Best Buy, so I figured, hey, why not! Switched the router. Configured it to have the Same SSID, Channel, Region, etc... Turned off WEP for now.
Went downstairs, fired up the 'ole laptop. I connect, with Excellent range. Perfect! I fire up the PC with the bridge. Can't connect. I am pulling my hair out! Go to the Brige Admin screen. Make sure the subnet is right, the IP address is in the right range, etc... All is good. In a final attempt, I set the bridge to be in an Ad-Hoc Network, defined my SSID and channel. Brigde reboots, and I have a 95% connection. Yeah! Try to get on the web, blah!
Go to command prompt.. IPConfig /release.. I get the good 'ole 169.254.xxx.xxx IP. IPConfig /renew.. Failed to reach DHCP Client. Timed out...
I was able to join a neighbors network (they forgot to WEP encrypt it!) without a problem. The connection is spotty, but it does connect.
I called Netgear for support, and they claim it's the Bridge, even though it worked on the previous router, and can connect to a neighbor..
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas??
I have Win XP SP1, tried the WinSockFix.exe program. Nothing helped!!
Thanks in advance
I had a Netgear Wireless B router upstairs. Downstairs, I had the Netgear WGE101 Wireless G bridge. Next to that PC, I have a laptop, with a G card. Everything worked okay, but the strength wasn't all there. I was able to pick up the Netgear Wireless G router for like $20 at Best Buy, so I figured, hey, why not! Switched the router. Configured it to have the Same SSID, Channel, Region, etc... Turned off WEP for now.
Went downstairs, fired up the 'ole laptop. I connect, with Excellent range. Perfect! I fire up the PC with the bridge. Can't connect. I am pulling my hair out! Go to the Brige Admin screen. Make sure the subnet is right, the IP address is in the right range, etc... All is good. In a final attempt, I set the bridge to be in an Ad-Hoc Network, defined my SSID and channel. Brigde reboots, and I have a 95% connection. Yeah! Try to get on the web, blah!
Go to command prompt.. IPConfig /release.. I get the good 'ole 169.254.xxx.xxx IP. IPConfig /renew.. Failed to reach DHCP Client. Timed out...
I was able to join a neighbors network (they forgot to WEP encrypt it!) without a problem. The connection is spotty, but it does connect.
I called Netgear for support, and they claim it's the Bridge, even though it worked on the previous router, and can connect to a neighbor..
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas??
I have Win XP SP1, tried the WinSockFix.exe program. Nothing helped!!
Thanks in advance