Technical User
Last week I bought a Geforce FX 5500 OC 256MB card made by BFG Tech.Everything has been working fine except for when I run it at 8x agp any game I play the gui or hud becomes all tweaked out and unreadable but the rest of the game looks fine other that a few other little weird problems.The problem seems to be worse in direct x games.If I run it at 4x there are no problems at all.I have the newest drivers for everything.My system is: SY-KT600 Dragon Plus v1.0, AMD Athlon XP 1.1 Ghz, 512 pc2700 ddr ram, IBM ethernet card, soundblaster pci 512, and I am running windows 2000.I've tried reinstalling windows, and it seems service pack 4 does nothing.I heard it might be a bad GPU.Thanks for the help!