I'm having a weird problem with a Milennium Workstation.
I can ping all the machines in the office except for the one that's running Winproxy 3. I get a timeout every single time. I thought maybe I had a bad connection at the winproxy machine.
However, I am also able to ping all machines in the office from the winproxy machine.
Removed the NIC Driver, All protocols, all DNS Info, then reinstalled-- Still no luck. Any Ideas?
I can ping all the machines in the office except for the one that's running Winproxy 3. I get a timeout every single time. I thought maybe I had a bad connection at the winproxy machine.
However, I am also able to ping all machines in the office from the winproxy machine.
Removed the NIC Driver, All protocols, all DNS Info, then reinstalled-- Still no luck. Any Ideas?