In a loop I'm trying to output a character each time through the loop after a recv() on a socket. The loop looks something like this:
for(; {
numbytes = recv(...);
if(numbytes <= 0) break;
Granted, that is very minimal and trival. Anyway, the printf("*" statement never prints out a * until the printf("complete" statement gets executed. However, if I replace printf("*" with printf("*\n" it will print out each time through the loop. Why do I need the newline character to get this to work? I don't want a newline! Any thoughts?
Thanks so much,
for(; {
numbytes = recv(...);
if(numbytes <= 0) break;
Granted, that is very minimal and trival. Anyway, the printf("*" statement never prints out a * until the printf("complete" statement gets executed. However, if I replace printf("*" with printf("*\n" it will print out each time through the loop. Why do I need the newline character to get this to work? I don't want a newline! Any thoughts?
Thanks so much,