Was wondering if anyone could help me.
I know the M-series phones are out of production, but I know you can also find them refurbished. To those with experience, do you find the M-series were more durable than the T-series (in relation to the 7208s)?
Here is why I ask:
I have a customer (retail store) and I have replaced a few T7208's (for various reasons), sometimes just handsets that go dead or the phones are just not producing voice to the handset, keypads stuck and also those damaged from physical abuse. However, the customer has only had the system and phones for about 1 year.
BTW, we use the same supplier of phone equipment all the time, and my replacement rate at other customers doesn't match or come close, then again I don't have any others with the same enivornment.
An example of our current problem:
They have 2 extensions on the same floor (ICM 31 & 32).
If I voice call from 31 to 32 or vica versa, the phone's external speaker volume is extremely low (and CANNOT be adjusted via the buttons) and also the volume will raise to a maximum by itself during voice call and then drop back down low. If I lift the handset druing the voice call, I can adjust the volume fine. The problem also happens if I voice call from any other phone to the 31 or 32. If I voice call from 31 or 32 to any other extension, the volume is fine at that extension and I can adjust it.
So I figure the problem is with ICM 31 & 32's external speakers.
However, the weird thing is, they have music playing through the phone speakers at all times and this is fine and can be adjusted at 31 & 32.
So the problem lies on the voice call function ??
Today I replaced 31 & 32 with new phones and the problem was solved. But I mean how can I explain this to my customer. Why are these T7208's giving such troubles. I can blame it on the high use and the environment but then what solution can I give him. Maybee M-series phones?
Customer History:
In the past I was advised to perform a STARTUP and re-program the system. Extensions would go offline and just flash and he would always have to switch around phones to get them back online. He wasn't able to just unplug and replug the same phone at the same extension.
After the startup, the problem quieted down but apparently he says it still happens sometimes.
Maybee it is the system? or the wiring?
It was a little confusing to write this, So if anyone has specific questions, please don't hesitate.
Any help will be appreciated.
Was wondering if anyone could help me.
I know the M-series phones are out of production, but I know you can also find them refurbished. To those with experience, do you find the M-series were more durable than the T-series (in relation to the 7208s)?
Here is why I ask:
I have a customer (retail store) and I have replaced a few T7208's (for various reasons), sometimes just handsets that go dead or the phones are just not producing voice to the handset, keypads stuck and also those damaged from physical abuse. However, the customer has only had the system and phones for about 1 year.
BTW, we use the same supplier of phone equipment all the time, and my replacement rate at other customers doesn't match or come close, then again I don't have any others with the same enivornment.
An example of our current problem:
They have 2 extensions on the same floor (ICM 31 & 32).
If I voice call from 31 to 32 or vica versa, the phone's external speaker volume is extremely low (and CANNOT be adjusted via the buttons) and also the volume will raise to a maximum by itself during voice call and then drop back down low. If I lift the handset druing the voice call, I can adjust the volume fine. The problem also happens if I voice call from any other phone to the 31 or 32. If I voice call from 31 or 32 to any other extension, the volume is fine at that extension and I can adjust it.
So I figure the problem is with ICM 31 & 32's external speakers.
However, the weird thing is, they have music playing through the phone speakers at all times and this is fine and can be adjusted at 31 & 32.
So the problem lies on the voice call function ??
Today I replaced 31 & 32 with new phones and the problem was solved. But I mean how can I explain this to my customer. Why are these T7208's giving such troubles. I can blame it on the high use and the environment but then what solution can I give him. Maybee M-series phones?
Customer History:
In the past I was advised to perform a STARTUP and re-program the system. Extensions would go offline and just flash and he would always have to switch around phones to get them back online. He wasn't able to just unplug and replug the same phone at the same extension.
After the startup, the problem quieted down but apparently he says it still happens sometimes.
Maybee it is the system? or the wiring?
It was a little confusing to write this, So if anyone has specific questions, please don't hesitate.
Any help will be appreciated.