I know, I know, 'Permission denied' isn't weird, in itself. But I have applied everything up to full access to IUSER_ComputerName on the webservers domain.
Here's the scoop. I have my Webserver on Domain1. I have my files on Domain2\SQLServer. I am trying to access a .txt file with this command:
Set fLayout = oFSO.OpenTextFile("K:\Layouts\Senior Pkgs\", ForReading, TristateTrue)
Now, when I am at my test station (Domain2\TestSystem) this works fine. Both my TestSystem and the Webserver have K: mapped exactly the same. Any ideas why I get this message?
Here's the scoop. I have my Webserver on Domain1. I have my files on Domain2\SQLServer. I am trying to access a .txt file with this command:
Set fLayout = oFSO.OpenTextFile("K:\Layouts\Senior Pkgs\", ForReading, TristateTrue)
Now, when I am at my test station (Domain2\TestSystem) this works fine. Both my TestSystem and the Webserver have K: mapped exactly the same. Any ideas why I get this message?