I don't know if this should properly go here or maybe the Windows XP forum, but here goes:
I have a small utilities database that I use for reformatting and transferring data. I set up a form with a button. Inside the Click event, I have code to open a folder on the disk, read each file from that folder (Excel spreadsheets) and link it as a table, then read the data from that linked table into a storage table. When I ran the import, I got the following error:
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object "FEMA Region 5 start -"Sept 05$". Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly."
Looking in the folder, I discovered that file had been named using the expression '05, so obviously the apostrophe was causing a problem. I renamed the file, removing the apostrophe (there was no $ in the file name) and replacing most of that string with "Y1". Ran the app again.
Got the same error message. I renamed the file again. Same error. Closed and restarted Access and tried again. Same error. Restarted computer and retried. Same Error. Opened a command prompt and renamed the short filename to something like "FEMAR~5" to try and clear anything lingering in the FATs, then renamed the file - still in command prompt - back to something that made sense. Tried again, and got the exact same error message. Stepping through the code, it appears that the FileSystemObject is returning the correct filename, but when the TransferSpreadsheet attempts to link the file as a table, it is apparently still trying to find the *original* filename. ????????!!!
Here's the code block; any assistance would be appreciated.
I have a small utilities database that I use for reformatting and transferring data. I set up a form with a button. Inside the Click event, I have code to open a folder on the disk, read each file from that folder (Excel spreadsheets) and link it as a table, then read the data from that linked table into a storage table. When I ran the import, I got the following error:
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object "FEMA Region 5 start -"Sept 05$". Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly."
Looking in the folder, I discovered that file had been named using the expression '05, so obviously the apostrophe was causing a problem. I renamed the file, removing the apostrophe (there was no $ in the file name) and replacing most of that string with "Y1". Ran the app again.
Got the same error message. I renamed the file again. Same error. Closed and restarted Access and tried again. Same error. Restarted computer and retried. Same Error. Opened a command prompt and renamed the short filename to something like "FEMAR~5" to try and clear anything lingering in the FATs, then renamed the file - still in command prompt - back to something that made sense. Tried again, and got the exact same error message. Stepping through the code, it appears that the FileSystemObject is returning the correct filename, but when the TransferSpreadsheet attempts to link the file as a table, it is apparently still trying to find the *original* filename. ????????!!!
Here's the code block; any assistance would be appreciated.
Private Sub btnImport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnImport_Click
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strFileName As String, strTableName As String, strSQL As String, strFilePathAndName As String
Dim strRateTableName As String, strDescription As String, strClass As String, strUnit As String
Dim dblRate As Double
Dim intNameLength As Integer, lngCounter As Long
Dim Answer
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim fls As Files
Dim f As File
If MsgBox("Are You Sure?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
' Hide warnings to keep operator from having to keep answering messages
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' Clear out any existing records from the rates table
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblBillRates"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
' Here we need to parse the folder where the spreadsheets are housed
' Set up connection strings to open a recordset
Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
' Set the folder location
Set fls = fso.GetFolder("C:\Data Migration\Bill Rates\Rate Tables").Files
For Each f In fls
' Extract each file name with no path and remove the extension
strFilePathAndName = "C:\Data Migration\Bill Rates\Rate Tables\" & f.Name
strFileName = f.Name
intNameLength = Len(strFileName)
strFileName = Mid(strFileName, 1, intNameLength - 4)
' Increment the counter
lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
' Build table name
strTableName = "ExcelRates" & Trim(Str(lngCounter))
' Create a linked table from each spreadsheet
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, strTableName, strFilePathAndName, True
'Open the linked table's recordset
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & strTableName
rs.Open strSQL, conn, adOpenDynamic
' Set to start of file
Do While Not rs.EOF
' The raw file name should be the Rate Table Name
strRateTableName = strFileName
Me.Label3.Caption = "Importing: " & strFileName
' Description
If IsNull(rs.Fields(0)) Then
strDescription = rs.Fields(0)
strDescription = Replace(strDescription, Chr(34), Chr(140))
' Classification
If IsNull(rs.Fields(1)) Then
strClass = "n/a"
strClass = rs.Fields(1)
End If
' Units billed (hrs, etc.)
If IsNull(rs.Fields(2)) Then
strUnit = "n/a"
strUnit = rs.Fields(2)
End If
' Bill rate
If IsNull(rs.Fields(3)) Then
dblRate = 0
dblRate = rs.Fields(3)
End If
' Append the data into the Bill Rates table
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblBillRates ( RateTableName, Classification, Description, Unit, Rate ) " & _
"SELECT " & Chr(34) & strRateTableName & Chr(34) & _
" AS Expr1, " & Chr(34) & strClass & Chr(34) & _
" AS Expr2, " & Chr(34) & strDescription & Chr(34) & _
" As Expr3, " & Chr(34) & strUnit & Chr(34) & _
" As Expr4, " & dblRate & " As Expr5;"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End If
Set db = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
db.TableDefs.Delete strTableName
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Set f = Nothing
Set fls = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Me.Label3.Caption = "Done!"
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnImport_Click
End Sub