I've been making updates to a project newproj.ear and as a backup I store the original as newproj.ear.old. However when I tried to swap back in the original and deploy, the resultant application didn't change back. Ive checked the original file and its not been modifed for months. Deployment was sucessful, checked targets etc all good. The resultant application thats running is still my changed version. I know this because a jsp i altered still shows changes. This isn't a webcaching issue, its recreated on other machines. Ive tried undeploying, deleting the active project, restarting the server and then redeploying no luck. Whats going on? Im stumped.

I've been making updates to a project newproj.ear and as a backup I store the original as newproj.ear.old. However when I tried to swap back in the original and deploy, the resultant application didn't change back. Ive checked the original file and its not been modifed for months. Deployment was sucessful, checked targets etc all good. The resultant application thats running is still my changed version. I know this because a jsp i altered still shows changes. This isn't a webcaching issue, its recreated on other machines. Ive tried undeploying, deleting the active project, restarting the server and then redeploying no luck. Whats going on? Im stumped.