I need a way to average a previous group of averages. Example I have a user with 3 tickets that have different data line records for each ticket that are averaged, so I need to average those 3 ticket averages to come up with a average for the user per ticket. Because you cannot use aggregate function in aggregate function I do not know how to do this.
ticket 1 avg 345
ticket 2 avg 567
ticket 3 avg 239
user avg 383.67
Because the tickets have different record used to come up with their averages I cannot add all records together and divide by the number of tickets to come up with the average this average is incorrect.
ticket 1 avg 345
ticket 2 avg 567
ticket 3 avg 239
user avg 383.67
Because the tickets have different record used to come up with their averages I cannot add all records together and divide by the number of tickets to come up with the average this average is incorrect.