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Weekend Work

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May 9, 2019
Hi All,

I'm new to this and I could use some advice!
I have a client who wants me and my team to start work at midnight on a Saturday. Is this normal?
I expect some weekend work, but this seemed extreme.
Would you accommodate this?

It comes down to how you quoted the job. I always specify in a quote the regular hours for my crews to ensure that if we encounter locked premises, due to failure of the client to ensure access, that we can still bill for the on-site hours. If atypical hours are requested, I call those out in detail to ensure proper access expectations. I also do so to ensure that I use the correct shift rates in my quote. If you quoted for after regular hours install (perhaps to minimize disruption to daytime operations of the client), then after hours is after hours. Hopefully you allowed for 3rd shift premiums.

Is it normal ? Well, yes. Not common, but still normal.
Would you accommodate this ? As long as what the client asks is not unethical, illegal, or in disregard of safety regs, then of course, YES. The client will be quoted, and have to pay, a premium for their special requests ... but that is how you make customer service work and score a profitable job.
Yes, it's normal. Some places just won't stand for daytime or weekday disruptions. Just make sure (like stated above) that your quotes accommodate for the extra expenses and premium markups and that you can get enough hands to make significant progress over the space of a weekend. Also keep in mind that it's going to be much more difficult to get parts if you need them at night or on the weekend so you will probably need to really preplan your work and stock.
Not only is it normal but it is standard. I have spent many a weekend installing systems on a Friday nights after working a 40+ hour week. I usually found out about my new installs on Friday. But that's how that particular company worked. Please don't treat yourself or your crew that way!

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Hey misseditbythatmuch and Wanebo! Thank you for the reply. I haven't quoted him yet. On the computer side, we would charge a minimum of $150/hour for any labor after 5PM on a weekday. Weekends even more. We do it to discourage the client from requesting extreme hours.
I'm not sure about the cabling world. How much more should I charge for those hours and parts?
I don't know any sort of standard. If $85/hour is the regular day rate, how much would you charge for Sunday work?
Hey Professor Shadow! Thank you for the reply! That's just cruel! haha Yeah, I couldn't just spring that on my guys.
IMO...there would be a few factors to consider.

1. In the most simplistic sense, if normal rate is X, then after hours could/should be 1.5x or 2x.

2. If it's a large project and it's mutually beneficial to the customer and your crew (blocking hallways, making noise, etc..), perhaps your quote might reflect around 1.5x your normal rate.

3. If it's a one off customer with just 1 or 2 runs wanting it done in the middle of the night just because...…. your quote may need to be closer to 3x your normal rate to make it worth your time, hassle, differential. Don't expect you or your crew to get up at 6am the next day to do another job so remember you might throw out another billable half day. You could perhaps even try to steer the customer to an acceptable middle ground with a 3x quote for a midnight start and a 2x quote for a 6pm start.

It really depends on the situation and the customer.

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