We had CRN 1.1 up and running. I made a minor LDAP setting change and saved the configuration. I then rebuilt the war file. WebSphere cannot add this new war file. We've rebuilt, dropped the LDAP setting, rebuilt, etc, but it something seems to be corrupt with the build.sh process which creates the war. CRN logs are not modified because our app can't add; only the WebSphere logs are modified. The start of the error message is: [3/8/04 12:10:23:289 CST] 158a25a8 SystemOut U Warning: Unable to create temp file for WEB-INF/lib/db2java.jar. This will impact performance. invalid CEN header (bad signature)
[3/8/04 12:10:23:357 CST] 158a25a8 SystemOut U Warning: Unable to create temp file for WEB-INF/lib/db2java.zip. This will impact performance. invalid CEN header (bad signature)
[3/8/04 12:10:38:434 CST] 158a25a8 ExceptionUtil X CNTR0020E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method createEarWrapper on bean BeanId(admin#repository.jar#FileBrowserService, fb1707e8bb): java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException blah-blah-blah
[3/8/04 12:10:23:357 CST] 158a25a8 SystemOut U Warning: Unable to create temp file for WEB-INF/lib/db2java.zip. This will impact performance. invalid CEN header (bad signature)
[3/8/04 12:10:38:434 CST] 158a25a8 ExceptionUtil X CNTR0020E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method createEarWrapper on bean BeanId(admin#repository.jar#FileBrowserService, fb1707e8bb): java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException blah-blah-blah