How can I set security roles and map them to EJB methods?
I tried to run-as an EJB Session Stateless method as 'common_user' role - here you are the DD snip:
<session id="pr.PrincipalBean">
roles are defined as follows:
when I call a (remote) method of the 'Principal' stefull EJB I try to execute the following instructions at the beginning of the called method:
System.out.println("is caller common_user?: " + this.mySessionCtx.isCallerInRole("common_user"));
but the WebSphere console output always results:
SysOut: is caller common_user?: false
I'am experincing on IBM Rational Developer Sutdio 6, Windows 2000 Pro, WebSphere AppServer 6.0 Test Environment
Who could help me?
ciroBorrelli (
I tried to run-as an EJB Session Stateless method as 'common_user' role - here you are the DD snip:
<session id="pr.PrincipalBean">
roles are defined as follows:
when I call a (remote) method of the 'Principal' stefull EJB I try to execute the following instructions at the beginning of the called method:
System.out.println("is caller common_user?: " + this.mySessionCtx.isCallerInRole("common_user"));
but the WebSphere console output always results:
SysOut: is caller common_user?: false
I'am experincing on IBM Rational Developer Sutdio 6, Windows 2000 Pro, WebSphere AppServer 6.0 Test Environment
Who could help me?
ciroBorrelli (