ln -s /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl
[3:45pm]# locate /usr/bin/perl
I have run the following call rpm -i webmin-0.81.rpm to install webmin but the install was not done automatically to /usr/libexec/webmin. I have no idea where it put it..It kept telling me befor it installed it webmin-0.81.rpm needs/usr/bin/perl.....How can i find out where it installed it besides whereis or locate or find / -name
whereis usr/local/bin/perl
perl: /usr/bin/perl5.00503 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl5.00502 /usr/local/bin/per
l /usr/man/man1/perl.1
rpm -i webmin-0.81.rpm [sig][/sig]
[3:45pm]# locate /usr/bin/perl
I have run the following call rpm -i webmin-0.81.rpm to install webmin but the install was not done automatically to /usr/libexec/webmin. I have no idea where it put it..It kept telling me befor it installed it webmin-0.81.rpm needs/usr/bin/perl.....How can i find out where it installed it besides whereis or locate or find / -name
whereis usr/local/bin/perl
perl: /usr/bin/perl5.00503 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl5.00502 /usr/local/bin/per
l /usr/man/man1/perl.1
rpm -i webmin-0.81.rpm [sig][/sig]