Hi there ...
I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I have with WebLogic Version7
I have written a method which uses Apache Axis to call a web service method
on a secure server:
public String putOrder(String orderXML) throws Exception {
Service service = new Service();
Call serviceCall = (Call) service.createCall();
serviceCall.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL("
// Now set up the call
serviceCall.setOperationName(new QName(" "processXML"
String result = (String) serviceCall.invoke(new Object[]{orderXML});
return result;
I have created a client key, which lives in the 'server.keystore'
under my Tomcat directory and put the server key in client.keystore.
Run the program, and it works fine.
The problem is, that I now have to get the method running under Weblogic, and thats
where the trouble kind of starts.
I wouyld like to use the same key files, and just transfer it to the WebLogic server, but I'm
not too sure where to begin. Everything I've tried so far leads to the same exception being thrown:
java.io.IOException: Write Channel Closed, possible SSL handshaking or trust failure
I'm obviously going about the import in the wrong way; possibly because all the examples I seem to come
across, assume that WebLogic is the server, when in this case, it's actua;lly the client. Is there a document somewhere that can show how to import a certificate/key into Weblogic so that it can call another
secure server as a client?
I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I have with WebLogic Version7
I have written a method which uses Apache Axis to call a web service method
on a secure server:
public String putOrder(String orderXML) throws Exception {
Service service = new Service();
Call serviceCall = (Call) service.createCall();
serviceCall.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL("
// Now set up the call
serviceCall.setOperationName(new QName(" "processXML"
String result = (String) serviceCall.invoke(new Object[]{orderXML});
return result;
I have created a client key, which lives in the 'server.keystore'
under my Tomcat directory and put the server key in client.keystore.
Run the program, and it works fine.
The problem is, that I now have to get the method running under Weblogic, and thats
where the trouble kind of starts.
I wouyld like to use the same key files, and just transfer it to the WebLogic server, but I'm
not too sure where to begin. Everything I've tried so far leads to the same exception being thrown:
java.io.IOException: Write Channel Closed, possible SSL handshaking or trust failure
I'm obviously going about the import in the wrong way; possibly because all the examples I seem to come
across, assume that WebLogic is the server, when in this case, it's actua;lly the client. Is there a document somewhere that can show how to import a certificate/key into Weblogic so that it can call another
secure server as a client?