I am successfully authenticatin for one node of openLDAP directory, but I also have some users that are partof different node so they have different DN, how do one configures and tells Weblogic to look into either this on that baseDNs ?
I have read in documentation following :
from weblogic doc :
If you store WebLogic Server users under multiple roots in your directory, you can specify these roots as user.dn.1, user.dn.2, and so on.
but where do I specify this?
I dont beleive weblogic 8.1 supports properties file anymore fot LDAP right?
Please advice
thanks in advance
Best Regards.
thanks in advance
I have read in documentation following :
from weblogic doc :
If you store WebLogic Server users under multiple roots in your directory, you can specify these roots as user.dn.1, user.dn.2, and so on.
but where do I specify this?
I dont beleive weblogic 8.1 supports properties file anymore fot LDAP right?
Please advice
thanks in advance
Best Regards.
thanks in advance