I am trying to load a set of web pages and servlets using a .war file generated by Ant. I have it setup to automatically install new .war files when it detects them while I am still developing the site. Every once in a while I will get a message saying "INFO: Missing application web.xml, using defaults only StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/LandmarkServlets]". Once I start getting that I have to play around with it, recompile a few times and reset tomcat. At some point it will suddenly be able to find it again just fine even though I haven't changed the file structure in the .war file. This is problem appears to have no pattern. Has anyone ever encountered anything like this or have any idea how to fix this so my .war loads properly.
One thing I have noted is that the web.xml file has an archived path of ./web-xml/ in the .war file, even though it is in ./WEB-XML/ in the build path for Ant. I don't know why it is putting it in an all lower case directory when it is coming out of an all upper case path.
One thing I have noted is that the web.xml file has an archived path of ./web-xml/ in the .war file, even though it is in ./WEB-XML/ in the build path for Ant. I don't know why it is putting it in an all lower case directory when it is coming out of an all upper case path.