I have a web application, I am trying to modify a line so it shows data for the user and the specific area.
user one belongs to the Accounting Payables area
user two belongs to the Accounting Receivables area
user three belongs to the Accounting General Area
and so on
So. if user one logs in he/she should be able to see only data from Accounting Payables area. The fields that I am working with are username, cycle, functionalarea
cycle would be Accounting or any other Department and the functionalarea would be the Payables, etc.
Here is what I am trying to change
I would like to add
but not sure about the syntax
I have a web application, I am trying to modify a line so it shows data for the user and the specific area.
user one belongs to the Accounting Payables area
user two belongs to the Accounting Receivables area
user three belongs to the Accounting General Area
and so on
So. if user one logs in he/she should be able to see only data from Accounting Payables area. The fields that I am working with are username, cycle, functionalarea
cycle would be Accounting or any other Department and the functionalarea would be the Payables, etc.
Here is what I am trying to change
set rsuidexist = dal_users.Query("username='" & Request.Form("username") & "'","")
set rsuidexist = dal_users.Query("username='" & Request.Form("username") & "' and "cycle='" rstmp2(cycle)'" and "functionalarea=rstmp2(functionalarea)"'","")
but not sure about the syntax