Which operation system does your reports reside in?Microsoft NT?If the answer is positive than the reason could be the malfunction of the pageserver service.Reinstall the crystal web browser to your server.
Do a search here on TekTips about caching servers. We had the same problem and got a tip towards the resolution from the forum. We wound up reinstalling several times without success. We never had a problem on a Compaq server running Win2K but boatloads of problems on a Dell server (go figure). In any case, your search will turn up mention of changing the caching time on Crystal to 10,000. We tried that and it worked but the number seemed high. Crystal suggests a setting of 10! Somewhere in between seems to work best (so we're no tying up threads for expired processes). After (much) prodding, Crystal support they fessed up to the fact that there is a patch (that they don't list on their support board) which allows you to change other web server time-out and caching values (something the base product without the patch won't let you do). A combination of changing both these values resolved the problem for us. I'm off this week so I don't have my notes with me but if this doesn't help let me know and I'll dig them up when I get back.
I am trying to install CE on a windows2000 system and connect access it to my Apache server in which i have the wcscgi.exe configured.
I have the same error:
"Communication failed with all configured Web Component Servers because they are disabled or not currently running. If this problem continues, please contact the system administrator.".
I checked the pageserver and it is up, when i telnet to it from a unix box it will first connect and then close the connection after approx 5 seconds.
I tried setting the WCSHOST1 ans WCSPATHMAP1 in my environment and all kinds of conifurations on my webserver.
Anyone got any idea?
The Idle time setting is crystal page server and cache server accepts seconds . This is a bug in crystal. So if U wan to give 2 minutes u have to give 120 in the space provided.
Good Luck
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