Hi all
Spec:win2Ksrv,Tomcat 1.4, JDK 1.4, with IIS 5
Clients Root directories
1) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Dave\2) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Dave\3) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Tom\
4) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Greg\
Each client site has WEB-INI, SERVLETS, DOC, ( i copy example folder content to each of them. Each (AAA,BBB,CCC not DDD domain) has date.jsp in root. I want to the date.jsp to work in AAA, BBB, CCC but not DDD domain.
I set a context in server.xml
<contex path="" docBase="C:\pubinit\ftproot" XXX=XXXX />
How do I do so AAA, BBB, CCC domains will have working date.jsp in theirs root folder? How u do this? I just want to anable Default setting for domains that support jsp to be able to execute them in root or anywhere below the root.
Thanks fo you time and fathige
check --> doesn't work
I set up tomek Tomcat Vir. dir and it works fine like:
I can not use vir. dir. cause what If two domain desided to use vir. dir /jsp for their jsp pages, then Tomcat wouldn't know which vir. dir to use or could use just the fist one for all of the vir. domains that use the /jsp vir. folder that gets redirected from IIS 5 to tomcat.
Help help
I stuck for good this time.
Spec:win2Ksrv,Tomcat 1.4, JDK 1.4, with IIS 5
Clients Root directories
1) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Dave\2) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Dave\3) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Tom\
4) c:\pubinit\ftproot\Greg\
Each client site has WEB-INI, SERVLETS, DOC, ( i copy example folder content to each of them. Each (AAA,BBB,CCC not DDD domain) has date.jsp in root. I want to the date.jsp to work in AAA, BBB, CCC but not DDD domain.
I set a context in server.xml
<contex path="" docBase="C:\pubinit\ftproot" XXX=XXXX />
How do I do so AAA, BBB, CCC domains will have working date.jsp in theirs root folder? How u do this? I just want to anable Default setting for domains that support jsp to be able to execute them in root or anywhere below the root.
Thanks fo you time and fathige
check --> doesn't work
I set up tomek Tomcat Vir. dir and it works fine like:
I can not use vir. dir. cause what If two domain desided to use vir. dir /jsp for their jsp pages, then Tomcat wouldn't know which vir. dir to use or could use just the fist one for all of the vir. domains that use the /jsp vir. folder that gets redirected from IIS 5 to tomcat.
Help help
I stuck for good this time.