You need to know the basics (at least) of digital graphics, like how to create buttons, bullets, etc., and you should understand the concepts behind web servers and browsers. Thus, it would help if you were running say, Windows 98 and Personal Web Server at home, or better yet, Windows 2000 and IIS (Internet Information Server). It's also extremely helpful to understand how to use the ftp protocol (file transfer protocol) to copy files from your development environment to your production web server. You can download WS_FTP light or CuteFTP from a software site like Good luck. John Hoarty
Leave the graphics 'til last, as you don't need to have graphical buttons for links, you can use plain textual links, which is not only easier, but also makes updates easier, and page download times are vastly reduced.
If you HAVE to have buttons for links, then be sure to optimise all your images to the lowest weight possible. Ahdkaw
"What would you expect from a bunch of monkeys?"
I might also add that, rather than wasting your time with IIS, you could download and use Apache which is the web server most folks use. It is free and easy to set up.
If you want to be a web designer, learn HTML (code it yourself to start rather than using a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver). Then plunge into the graphics packages paying particular attention to the file sizes of the web graphics you are producing. Remember, the web is its own media and operate within the constraints of that media rather than railing against them.
If you want to be a developer, again, figure out HTML first. Then you'll want to become familiar with javascript, which is a client-side scripting language. After that you'll want to acqure knowledge about a server-side scripting language - PHP is a good choice for a newbie. Then you'll want to start mucking around with Data Bases (MySQL is a good free DB to start with). If you take the time to follow this path you'll discover that coupling a server-side scripting language with a DB will unleash the true power of web technology. Pays better too. ;-)
that will take you through the basics, then the advanced one on the same site will finish the job. but more important than tutorials is practice, just make stuff for no other reason. like cool looking layouts or navigation, just for fun.
other than those and the server side stuff would be flash, but you don't realy need it. the software costs like 500$, and even though it is worth the money (i have it) you should get aquanted with other technologies first. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him won't die but have everlasting life - Jesus - John 3:16 -
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