We have recently installed the Web Client for Symposium.
we can print historical reports, but cannont export them.
Error message = Invalid Export Type Specifed
this error occurs no matter which is selected, ie. Excel, rich text, etc. amd mo matter which report is run.
I have read where smtp is needed and installed it
(does it need special configuration)
I have set up a shared folder and given everyone 'write' permission. I have mapped this folder on the symmposium server....
The error persists
We are able to print the report
I am an administrator, so i don't think permissions is the issue. is there a component with the drivers for each report format that needs to be installed?
we can print historical reports, but cannont export them.
Error message = Invalid Export Type Specifed
this error occurs no matter which is selected, ie. Excel, rich text, etc. amd mo matter which report is run.
I have read where smtp is needed and installed it
(does it need special configuration)
I have set up a shared folder and given everyone 'write' permission. I have mapped this folder on the symmposium server....
The error persists
We are able to print the report
I am an administrator, so i don't think permissions is the issue. is there a component with the drivers for each report format that needs to be installed?