Hi. I want to ask if you could possibly give me any suggestions from your point of view for the following project. I can't understand it well. I only have very shallow knowledge of Databases, so I thought I'd ask the guys that know. How can I start? What should I learn? Where can I get any references? If you have any suggestions at all or pointers to online resources, I'd be most grateful.
Project title:
Web-based database management system for flexible scientific data.
A database management system is required to develop for managing flexible scientific data. The latter have rather hierarchic structure opposite to relational tables which makes most of the existing database management systems unsuitable. The system required should have a web interface and support some security for accessint/retrieving data.Databases should have a flexible structure that is the creation of new and modification of existing fields and branches should be possible by means of the system. There is no preference in terms of development tools. PHP, JSP, Java etc possible.
Project title:
Web-based database management system for flexible scientific data.
A database management system is required to develop for managing flexible scientific data. The latter have rather hierarchic structure opposite to relational tables which makes most of the existing database management systems unsuitable. The system required should have a web interface and support some security for accessint/retrieving data.Databases should have a flexible structure that is the creation of new and modification of existing fields and branches should be possible by means of the system. There is no preference in terms of development tools. PHP, JSP, Java etc possible.