I am wondering if someone could assist me with trying to figure out what's wrong with my web application.
The current live application is on Java 5 with Tomcat 5.5.29. It also uses YUI 2.6.0 and JCIFs for authentication.
I have upgraded on a virtual machine to Java 7 and Tomcat 7.0.50. I have tried to follow the migration documents on Tomcat, though this is not my field of expertise so I may not have fully understood parts of it.
I have removed the JCIFs implementation from the web.xml file and now use JNDI basic authentication against LDAP.
I have managed to get my web app to load and allow me access through the LDAP check it does. I then tell the web app to find an order, which should bring up the order page. This page uses the YUI implementation to display tabs (some tabs have sub tabs on them). On the upgraded web application, when I run it, it doesn't populate the information on the tabs. You can see the tabs, but that's it, it collapses the tabs.
I can't seem to attach a word file to this to show you the screenshots of how it looks and how it should look. Let me know if you want me to directly email you the screenshots.
Is it that something's fundamentally changed between the versions of either/both Java and Tomcat? I have tried to debug using the F12 Developer Tools, but I cannot see what's wrong. Oh btw, this is in IE9. The web app only works with IE, no other browser.
Here's the Javascript that builds the tabs up:
Here the html code of where it should go:
Please let me know if there is further information you require.
I am wondering if someone could assist me with trying to figure out what's wrong with my web application.
The current live application is on Java 5 with Tomcat 5.5.29. It also uses YUI 2.6.0 and JCIFs for authentication.
I have upgraded on a virtual machine to Java 7 and Tomcat 7.0.50. I have tried to follow the migration documents on Tomcat, though this is not my field of expertise so I may not have fully understood parts of it.
I have removed the JCIFs implementation from the web.xml file and now use JNDI basic authentication against LDAP.
I have managed to get my web app to load and allow me access through the LDAP check it does. I then tell the web app to find an order, which should bring up the order page. This page uses the YUI implementation to display tabs (some tabs have sub tabs on them). On the upgraded web application, when I run it, it doesn't populate the information on the tabs. You can see the tabs, but that's it, it collapses the tabs.
I can't seem to attach a word file to this to show you the screenshots of how it looks and how it should look. Let me know if you want me to directly email you the screenshots.
Is it that something's fundamentally changed between the versions of either/both Java and Tomcat? I have tried to debug using the F12 Developer Tools, but I cannot see what's wrong. Oh btw, this is in IE9. The web app only works with IE, no other browser.
Here's the Javascript that builds the tabs up:
function YUILoaderSuccess() {
//when TabView is loaded, instantiate opportunityViewTabs:
var opportunityViewTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView('opportunityViewTabs');
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Forecast Details'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_forecasttabs.jsp'
,cacheData: true
//when TabView is loaded, instantiate forecastTabs:
var forecastTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView('forecastTabs');
var forecastSubTabId = ${obTabIndex2};
if (forecastSubTabId > 2) {
forecastSubTabId = 0;
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Summary'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_forecastsummary.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Progress Notes'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_progressnotes.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderProgressNotes();});
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'System Notes'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_systemnotes.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderSystemNotes();});
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Supporting Documentation'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_supdocs.jsp'
,cacheData: true
forecastTabs.set("activeIndex", forecastSubTabId);
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Customer Details'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_customertabs.jsp'
,cacheData: true
//when TabView is loaded, instantiate ContactsTabs:
var customerTabs = new YAHOO.widget.TabView('customerTabs');
var customerSubTabId = ${obTabIndex2};
if (customerSubTabId > 3) {
customerSubTabId = 0;
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Registered Office'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_registeredoffice.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Contacts (Commercial)'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_contactscom.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderContactsCom();});
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Contacts (Operational)'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_contactsops.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderContactsOps();});
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Installations Sites'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_installsites.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderSites();});
customerTabs.set("activeIndex", customerSubTabId);
<c:if test="${orderBean.enableServices||fn:contains(fn:toLowerCase(orderBean.orderStatus),'short-listed')||fn:contains(fn:toLowerCase(orderBean.orderStatus),'order')}">
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Default Settings'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_defaultsettings.jsp'
,cacheData: true
,active: true
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Services'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_services.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderServicesAddedToOrder();});
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Payment Terms'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_paymentterms_order.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderRevenueSummary();});
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Special Conditions'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_specialconditions.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Declarations'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_declarations.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderDeclarationsAddedToOrder();});
<c:if test="${!empty orderBean.versionsList}">
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Versions'
,dataSrc: 'includes/tab_versions.jsp'
,cacheData: true
tab.addListener("dataLoadedChange", function() {renderVersions();});
opportunityViewTabs.set("activeIndex", ${obTabIndex1});
Here the html code of where it should go:
<div class="yui-skin-xxx">
<div id="opportunityViewTabs" class="yui-navset">
Please let me know if there is further information you require.